About Solomon

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With God, all things are possible.

Welcome to my website. I hope that you enjoy visiting. Feel free to browse the site and please take time out to sign my guestbook.

I am a lifetime resident of Fort Pierce, Florida. I hope that what you see throughout my website will inspire you to hire me as your photographer/videographer for any event that you may have. My experience includes; weddings, church events, sporting events, reunions, parties, landscapes, glamour photography, portraiture, photojournalism, documentary photography, advertising photography, and green screen photography.

My photography experiences have provided me invaluable photojournalism skills, such as meeting deadlines, dealing with pressure-packed situations where you only have one chance to get a shot, and learning the craft of taking great pictures. I aim to get a few frames at each event that cause clients to pause and wonder: 'How did he get that shot?’

My goal is to capture the personality and spirit of my subjects, with a photography style that is sincere, natural, creative, and intimate. The team at “Photos By Solomon” offers artistic and technological methods, and a variety of printing styles to customize the look and feel of your photography.

Thanks for visiting.

Photos By Solomon - Signature

Solomon Lee